Thursday, July 17

Boko Haram: Borno Residents Live In Fear As Explosions And Gunshots Go On All Night

Residents of Maiduguri, the Borno State capital cut short their sleep Tuesday night following repeated sound of explosions and gunshots.

According to a resident, Mr. Anthony Gama, “When I called my brother, he told me to call our uncle, Maigari, that the sound was coming from Ngomari Ward area.

“I called my uncle, who was also trying to call me on phone over the same issue. Some residents called to tell us that it was around Damboa road. We also called people from Molai, who said they did not know from where the sound was coming. So, all of us were confused and held each other’s hand in prayers until calmness returned”, he told DailyPost.

Another resident said he saw a convoy of about 30 military vehicles carrying soldiers towards Biu road on Wednesday morning.

“The way they were moving showed that there is problem along Biu road. I hope they (Boko Haram) did not attack the military again”.

A military officer in Maiduguri, who was not authorized to speak to the press, said people should continue with their normal activities.

He said, “What are you afraid of which you have not seen before in Maiduguri? it is a normal thing; I am not authorized to speak to you; you can wait for the normal channel; if their is anything, the Defence Headquarters will inform you appropriately”.

Asked why the military is not allowing relatives of personnel killed in battle to carry the corpses home he said, “this is a matter of policy, but that is not to say that families are denied corpses of their loved ones.

“I think the military deem it proper to bury those corpses within the Barrack’s cemetery”.

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