Monday, August 18

#Ebola Updates....`

Nigerian's Death On-Board India Flight Sparks Ebola Scare

Nigerian woman, 35, died while traveling from Nigeria to India for medical treatment of advanced metastatic cancer.

The woman showed signs consistent with the Ebola virus, according to the Health Authority – Abu Dhabi (HAAD), the regulatory body of the healthcare sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, who announced the death yesterday.

During the transit phase at Abu Dhabi International Airport, the patient’s health deteriorated and despite prompt medical assistance she could not be successfully resuscitated, HAAD said in a statement.

‘’Full safety and precautionary measures have been taken by the medical staff who attended the patient, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards for dealing with suspected cases of infectious diseases,’’ the statement added.

The woman’s husband, the only person sitting next to her on the plane, and five medics who resuscitated her, are in isolation pending the result of Ebola testing on the patient. They are all well with no symptoms, HAAD said.

Nigerian Causes Ebola Scare In Spanish Town.

The ministry of health would like to assure the public that there is no risk to the community, and that fellow passengers on the plane from Nigeria and in the airport were not at risk.

A Nigerian man was yesterday at the centre of an Ebola health scare on the Spanish Costas, which contains an estimated British population of more than 82,000.

The immigrant was tested for the deadly virus after going to a hospital in Alicante with the tell-tale signs of the disease. The result came out negative.

Bosses at San Juan Hospital suspected he might have Ebola and said he was being kept in isolation until the results of the tests were known.

The unnamed man, who is in his thirties and has been in Nigeria recently, was admitted after seeking medical attention on Saturday night accompanied by his sister.

Hospital bosses activated the Ebola protocol after he complained of the flu-like symptoms associated with the onset of the virus and was seen by doctors.

Paramedics wearing protective suits and masks transferred him from Alicante General Hospital to nearby San Juan.

Speaking before the result turned out negative, a spokesman for the local health authority confirmed: “At the moment there is a suspicion he may have contacted Ebola and that’s why the the protocol against the virus has been activated.

“We have to wait now for the results of the tests to know whether we are dealing with a confirmed case or not.”

The tests were carried out at Madrid’s Carlos III Hospital where Spanish priest Miguel Pajares lost his fight against the disease.

Missionary worker Mr Pajares, 75, had been flown back to Spain and given experimental drug ZMapp after catching Ebola at a hospital in Liberia, west Africa, where he was working.

He was the first person in Europe to die from the deadly virus, which the World Health Organisation (WHO) says has now claimed 1,145 lives.

The current epidemic began in Guinea in February and has since spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

Medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres has said it believes the outbreak will take at least six months to bring under control.

Meanwhile, UK universities have been warned of the dangers posed by Ebola as they gear up to welcome thousands of students from West Africa.

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