Saturday, August 2

Emmanuel Adebayor Recounts Malaria Ordeal.

Tottenham  Hotspur striker and Togo international, Emmanuel Adebayor  fell ill in July and missed the club’s pre-season tour to the US, but has now returned to training.

Speaking to Daily Mail, Adebayor said:

“I went back to Togo during the holiday to spend some time with my family,”

“I came home to London two weeks ago and then found out I had malaria. I was ill for a week or so, but now I am back training and feeling good now.

“For a week I couldn’t do anything. I lost a kilo which isn’t a lot, but I was very weak for one week. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t walk.”

Adebayor  downplayed the malaria symptoms he suffered, claiming it was a common disease in Africa and is looking ahead to the new season.

“When I go back it feels like I have a headache and because you are already in the country where it is common you know what medicine to take to make it go away quickly,” he added.

“But in London it’s not the same because it’s not a common disease. I wasn’t too worried because I have seen lots of people with malaria because I grew up there.

“I knew it would take a few days and knock me down and take everything out of me. I also knew I would have to work hard to get my body back again.

“But I’m okay, fit and ready to play football again. That’s the main thing.”

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