Monday, August 11

Ever Wondered What It Feels Like To Die? A New Simulator In China Lets You Try It Out.

Founders of the "Samadhi -- 4D Experience of Death" project, Ding Rui (far left) and Huang Wei-ping (far right), with the game's two main designers Yu Hong-tao (second from left) and Xu Yang-xin (second from right)
"China made me rich, but it didn't teach me how to live a rich life. I was lost," says Huang Wei-pin, creator of a death-themed game in which participants can try out a coffin.

"Samadhi -- 4D Experience of Death," is a morbid "escape room" game that uses dramatic special effects to bring players close to what its creators imagine is an experience of death.

When it opens in Shanghai in September 2014, it will invite participants to compete in a series of challenges to avoid "dying."

Losers get cremated -- or are at least made to lie on a conveyor belt that transports them through a fake funeral home incinerator to simulate death rites.

The faux cremator will use hot air and light projections to create what the organizers call "an authentic experience of burning."

After "cremation," participants are transferred to a soft, round, womb-like capsule, signifying their "rebirth."
And the winner?

"He'll also have to die of course," says the game's fatalistic co-founder Ding Rui.

As in life, he explains, "everyone will die eventually, no matter what they've survived."

Huang says his interest in death emerged during a period of soul searching after a lucrative but spiritually unrewarding career as a trader.

"China made me rich, but it didn't teach me how to live a rich life. I was lost," he says.

He went on to study psychology and volunteered to help in the aftermath of a 2008 earthquake in China's western Sichuan province, launching Hand in Hand shortly after.

"It opened a new door for me -- I went there to help but I was also saved."

Ding, meanwhile, had undertaken his own search for a meaning to life by organizing seminars with experts on the subject.

"I invited 'life masters' from different religions and other fields to come and talk about what life is," he says.

"I did that for two years before realizing that, instead of sitting here and listening passively, I could also do something."

That was when the two hooked up to create the "4D Experience of Death."

Samadhi -- 4D Experience of Death will be completed at the end of August and is scheduled to open in September. 

Culled [CNN]

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