Friday, August 1

Happy New Month People!

Its a thing of joy to wake up each day because frankly there's no gift like it. We thank God for those of us that are able to partake in the joy of entering a new month.

Those that have gone, may their soul RIP.

I  especially hope that things turn around for good here in Nigeria, we need the ray of sunshine at the end of this dark tunnel, we need that thread of hope that has always made us who we are, some very few people pursuing an agenda that's not rational to say the least threaten the core of our nation's existence.

Its nice being able to thank God for bringing us thus far, but we need more. There's too much of blood shed to no end, in combat you know who the enemy is and what his /her agenda is.

Are we in combat here in Nigeria? A big sad no. We need more, we deserve more.

I pray this month brings us all closer to those things we desire and God keep us safe. Amen

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