Monday, October 6

Boko Haram Behead Seven In Borno State.

There are reports that Haram militants killed seven people on Monday in the remote northeast of Nigeria, there are indications that  the victims were beheaded in a revenge attack.

The overnight raid targeted the town of Ngamdu in troubled Borno State, the area hardest hit in the Islamists’ five-year uprising.

When locals woke they discovered “seven people had been brutally killed,” said resident Musa Abor.

The gunmen “slit their (victims) throats just the way people slaughter goats,” he added.

Abor and a Borno State official, who asked that his name be withheld, said the bodies had been decapitated, in the latest act of gruesome violence blamed on the Islamists who have killed more than 10,000 people since 2009.

In recent months, Boko Haram insurgents have targeted reprisal attacks at locals who have fought alongside the military as vigilantes.

An army officer in Borno, who also requested anonymity, said 15 Boko Haram fighters were killed in clashes in Ngamdu two weeks ago and the group had vowed revenge against the community.

Those killed on Monday could not immediately be identified as vigilantes and the defence ministry was not available to comment on the attack or the alleged beheadings.

This is coming just days after the upheaval concerning the video uploaded by the leader of the sect Abubakar Shekau claiming that contrary to military reports, he was very much alive.

It has become imperative to the Nigerian military forces to fight aand fully end this menace on our society, but the question remains are they up to task?

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