Wednesday, May 25

Four Ways Your Feelings Tell You He's The ''ONE''

A relationship is always a beautiful thing, it brings joy to the heart, quick smiles even if no one is watching. You catch yourself day dreaming about the man in your life, love has never felt so good. However, the romance fizzles and reality sets in, there are those small arguments that make you question if you are with the right person,some traits you find unlovable, it all passes quickly though, the love and friendship are there still strong. You want to know if the feelings are there to stay, is he really the one for you? Four ways to know he's truly the one.

1. You Can Not Do Without Your Partner: You've had one of your small arguments that sometimes makes you so angry, your first thought is to call it off, how much can you take, within hours, it all seems funny, you still want to be sure he's doing okay, you find yourself praying for him and wait for that phone call or text that's your link to forgiving him.

2. You censor your talks about him: The less said about him to friends and family, the less criticisms you get, women love to talk about their men, but for a new romance that makes you feel the way you've never felt, you want to keep as much to yourself as you can. His  quirks and failings are definitely not up for discussion, once it's more official, you can afford to ask casual questions about things that give you concern, but for the one, you know everyone has a bad side and you are more than willing to take your chances with him.

3. You adopt: Your man had some people in his life before you and a variety of interests, the first inclination will be to keep him to yourself, but once your realize that there will always be others, rather than pick quarrels or be antagonistic, you want everything to be smooth because it's not just the present, but you project towards the future and loving him means loving his family and taking active interest is his passions.

4. You experience a tingly feeling: It can hit you up anywhere, you find him straying into your thoughts and instantly a warm feeling starts from belly up, you remember the last time things got physical and find yourself looking forward to tangling again. Need i say, the chemistry never wears off.

Ladies, finding that special one is definitely an experience to look forward to, having someone that truly loves you and you find irresistible makes you feel younger and lighter. When you do find him, make him sweat for it, but absolutely adore him

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