Friday, May 30

President Goodluck Jonathan Declares Full Scale War Against Terrorists

The President in a broadcast marking 15 years of democracy in the country has vowed to wage a total war against terrorism and do everything to rescue the school girls kidnapped at Chibok. He  also promised to rid Nigeria of terrorists. He, however, said his government was willing to keep its doors open to the terrorists for dialogue and reconciliation, ‘if they renounce terrorism and embrace peace’.

“I am determined to protect our democracy, our national unity and our political stability, by waging a total war against terrorism. The unity and stability of our country and the protection of lives and property are non-negotiable. I have instructed our security forces to launch a full-scale operation to put an end to the impunity of terrorists on our soil.

“I have also authorized the security forces to use any means necessary under the law to ensure that this is done. I assure you that Nigeria will be safe again, and that these thugs will be driven away – it will not happen overnight, but we will spare no effort to achieve this goal.

“I have no doubt that, with the support of Nigerians, our neighbours and the international community, we will reinforce our defence, free our girls and rid Nigeria of terrorists.”

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